Wednesday 29 September 2010

Dear Diary...

Diary Entry 1: 30.9.10

Today was my first meeting with my final production group members. I am very excited to say that i am with Rachel O'Connell and Sharon Uyinwmen as i know that we will each work very well together. Today we just had to presennt our story ideas to each other and pitch a few thoughts of how we want the film to look, in the sense of camera filters, colours movement and text. We also brainstormed theme ideas and came up these:
- a mystery at the beginning that is revealed at the end
- Dreaming - our own world where anything can happen - falling asleep
- falling ill - my sisters keeper
- Everyone has a weakness - Kryptonite is supermans and he is the most famous hero in the world??
- substance abuse - fall through reality
- the fall AND rise...?
- the fall through society
- Loss of innocence
- Graphic Matching > Robert Lepage
- Fall - Autumn
- Falling from success once being at their peak
- DEATH - ultimate fall
- Falling out (with friends)
- Falling from grace
- Falling in love
- Falling OUT of love

- Subtitles for silent film?
- effects onscreen - black and white? sepia?
- use of shadows and lighting.

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