Tuesday 14 September 2010

Narrative Ideas

Having an awesome idea is all well and good, but if you don't tell the story right, you film could just become very flat and unengaging. Good and interesting story telling is key to consuming your audience into the world of your film.

IDEA 1: Reverse Chronology
This is an extremely interesting way to tell your story as it allows the audience to see the ending, to later discover how the plot and characters began their journey. This narrative style was recently used in Gaspar Noé's Irréversible (2002), the technique is used so thoroughly that the end credits are not only shown at the beginning of the movie, but they roll down the screen, rather than upwards which we are accustom to. The 2004 film 5x2, directed by Francois Ozon, tells the story of a relationship between two people in five episodes using reverse chronology. I personally love this narrative style although it can be difficult in making the audience understand the plot and sometime it is is used flippantly without having any relevance.

Below is a clip i watch from a University student which i didn't understand why this style was used and i didn't particularly understand the video.

As the above is a music video, i believe that Coldplay's The Scientists may have been their inspiration. This video is AMAZING and as the video is shot in reverse, Chris Martin even had to sing the song in reverse while the song was played normally. Confusing?....just watch.....


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