Tuesday 19 October 2010

Scene 3

SCENE 3 - Cookie sales

EXT: Residential street.

(Doorbell) A door opens from the inside and reveals Frank and Charlie on the doorstep with a tray of cookies stretched out. The pair a smiling broadly yet creepily and are wearing homemade sash spelling 'BRowNIes' across their dingy clothes.


They rustles the tray towards the camera and the door slams shut on them.

Montage of the same action from outside the house : Frank and Charlie smiling, rustling the tray, door slams in face, them walking to the next house.

Final house, Frank and Charlie are annoyed now at their lack of sales so they try anothe tactic. At the next house a young girl opend the door and Frank steps up and threatens the girls to buy a cookie ( close up: holding her by the scruff of her neck) . As the door slowly opens behind the girl, Frank looks up and, after seeing the girls 'large' dad staring back, he quickly lets go and pats the girl on the head and fixes her clothes. The dad then growls and draws his arm back to punch Frank, who quickly ducks leaving Charlie to take the punch to the face and he grabs his eye in pain. The dad then grabs the cookies and slams the door shut.

Frank and Charlie walk away from the house. Franks rips off his sash, throws it on the ground, then walks out of frame angrily. Whilst Charlie is almost crying and rubs his eye in pain he follow out of shot.

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