Monday 18 October 2010

Script - SWITCH scene 1

INT: Hotel room.

Black screen with title reading DAY 3 : 3.28pm

Scene opens with Frank and Charlie sitting uncomfortably at a table clutching a briefcase.As the camera turns a large gangster type, Big Pete, is revealed with his bodyguard holding his suitcase.

(no audio)

Big Pete: so what ave' you got for me lads.

(Frank and Charlie look at each other)

Frank: What ave' you got for us (trying to act hard)

Big Pete looks at his bodyguards and they all burst out in hysterical laughter at the lads attempts, who also join in with a nervous laugh. Big Pete and his body guards all stop at once, leaving Frank and Charlie still laughing. They stop. Big Pete grabs the suitcase and opens it on the table to reveal that it's full of money. Charlie reaches over to touch the money, but Big Pete slams it shut before he can and demands a looks in their suitcase. Franks nods at Charlie to open the suitcase (away from camera)as Big Pete reaches over to grab the suitcase, Charlie, thinking it is normal procedure, also slams the suitcase shut.

Cut away to empty corridor, and Frank and Charlie come sprinting out of the far door. As they run down the corridor towards camera, we see both Big Pete and bodyguards in back wiping they faces and chasing the pair furiously.

Extreme close ups of running feet in corridor and down the stairs with action soundtrack playing over the top.

Fade to black title screen : DAY 1 11.38am

SCENE 2...

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