Tuesday 12 October 2010

Treatment Three

Treatment Three - HEIST.

HEIST follows two east end lads Frank and Charlie trying their hand at quick-fix ways of making some cash.

The film opens on Day 3 of the HEIST with the pair running for their lives down a corridor with some huge and angry looking gangsters hot on their tail. Then jumping to Day 1 we see their initial reason for their thirst for cash as the two see a for sale sign on a car that the lazy two really want. Needing to gather £6000 fast and dealing with unemployment and a lack of qualifications they soon realise they have problem.

Standing there pondering their options, Charlie pulls out a half eaten cookie from his pocket and Frank is instantly hit by an ingenious idea. Selling cookies!
Frank feels that selling cookies will earn them a lot of quick cash and so they go door to door attempting to sell cookies. But their scheme fails as one by one the doors get slammed right back in their faces.

As they walk around, Frank waiting for more inspiration and Charlie just completely clueless, Charlie feels a sharp pain in his knee. When he pulls up his trouser leg to find a sore graze, Frank is struck with another plan!

They decide to dress up as women and sell themselves for money. When going through with this scheme however, they come to the realisation they can't actually make love to another man - by this time though it is too late. They run from the car with a watch and a wallet that they stole; alongside the mans' trousers! They make a break for it and hide in some bushes escaping the mans' chase. Only to find the watch is priceless and the wallet is empty.

As they begin to lose hope, they stumble along an inappropriate meeting of two cars and what appears to be a drug deal. This is when Frank is hit by the best idea yet... THE HEIST. Frank and Charlie then go back to their house and make up their own bundle of drugs. Flour and sugar. Believing that this is a sure in way to make some cash, they fix themselves up to look the part and go to meet Big Pete the hardest gangster on the estate.

The meeting place and time is sorted and the two find themselves in a hotel room across the table from Big Pete who is willing to give them the £6000 they need in exchange for the 'drugs'. The deal goes well, until Big Pete does a taste test and finds that the drugs taste a little sweeter than he remembers and their cover is blown. Frank blows the 'drug' in Big Pete's face and the two LEG IT. Running for their live they get free and the film ends with both Frank and Pete buying the car that they wanted.

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