Wednesday 19 January 2011

Final Billboard Design

Feedback from previous billboard design was "I think you could have made it brighter and more in your face as the film is exciting"

In light of this comment, I changed the background colour to white which automatically brightens the billboard as it was previously black and darker. Although my draft had bright colours and eye catching, it didn’t give the audience a clear idea of the film and didn’t follow a housestyle. Which is the next aspect I wanted to develop upon, my final billboard is simple and bright but I now needed to sustain that across all my poster camp

The major influence for this poster was a poster from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. As you can see I replicated the layout of this poster and adapted the colours of black, white, red and silver and the stencil font. Much like the other posters I added the metallic effect to the title name along with the light bulb graphic which also features throughout the campaign as it ties in the with the films ‘bright idea’ theme. In addition to the font, I adjusted the alignment to create an uneven look which I feel reflect our protagonist Frank and Charlie’s characters who try to appear as tough gangsters but underneath they are still dodgy and inevitably fail or have flaws I their plans.

The image is one taken from the photoshoot arranged where I took various photos of each character in different poses both alone and with each other. This image is two different images that have been layered onto one. I did this using Adobe Photoshop Elements and adjusted the brightness and contrast of the images to create the shadow effect that is also seen in our film.

Once I added the generic elements of a billboard such as the title, SWITCH, an image, age certificate and tagline ‘Scamming for Dummies. By The Dummies’ I felt that adding a review extract from my own film review would finish off the poster well whilst also linking both ancillary tasks together nicely. I feel that this billboards looks more professionally made, is simple and would intrigued our target audience of males aged 12-25 who would appreciate the gritty style of our film along with the slapstick comedy.

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