Wednesday 19 January 2011

Final Poster Design One

When creating this, my final poster it was important to incorporate all the elements from my first poster and billboard and to also take on board the feedback regarding sustaining housestyle and simplicity. So I began with the background which would be black with the colours of white and read featured throughout as it is slick and simple like the others. The uneven metallic title font was also used to reflect our characters’ who throughout the film believe they have come up with strong impenetrable plans that in the end are dodgy and fail. The uneven alignment also give the audience the indication that there will be comedic elements within the film as at first glance the posters appear dark and could belong within the thriller genre.

The light bulb graphic can also be seen at the top left hand corner with the beam of light coming out of it, similar to poster one. Within the beam I chose to show an actual image of Frank and Charlie instead of a silhouette as a recurring comment within my feedback was that in one of the posters I should show my main characters faces as it is comforting to audiences and allows them to familiarise themselves with their faces before they go to see the film.

Although there are many similarities within across the posters, I also wanted to make each one slightly different, and this one features and actual image of the setting of the film. I felt this was an important thing to incorporate as it helps for the audience to again understand what genre and type of film Switch would be. Since the image is of a dingy and dark looking estate audiences can grasp that Switch falls within the east end crime comedy genre. The tagline ‘Scamming for Dummies. By The Dummies’, also helps to give an indication that the film will feature some comedy and idiotic people trying to scam someone and since I added the image of Frank and Charlie they will deduce that they are the idiots. You will also notice that I had to add the colour blue into this poster as the white font was hard to read over the background image. To overcome this problem I tried to add a small black bar at the top so it could be clearly seen, but it looked tacky, amateur and there was too much black space, and so I chose blue as it wasn’t too bright and bold.

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