Sunday 12 December 2010

Billboard Draft one

This is the design for my billboard advert of Switch. As you can see the house style for my posters follow a simple layout, with minimalist colours and the silhouette of Frank and Charlie. In this particular poster, i chose to use childish drawings/ characterture of each character with the film to reflect their personalities. I kept with the slick and simple style of previous film posters within this genre, but i realised it they lacked the comedic and juvenile edge that my film carries so that's why i decided to add the babyish pastel colours from Reservoir Dogs (Mr Pink, Mr Blue, Mr Blonde and Mr Orange). I felt that the colours lightened up the image. But i have also kept the main colours of black, white and red which i used for the title, which stays the same colour in each poster and also within the film. (Red,STENCIL font)

If you look closely at the cartoon drawings i filled the lines of the images with screen grabs of the specific character from the film and organised photoshoot. I felt this was important as the poster itself doesn't reveal direct information about the film, but there are a few things that give the audience an idea.
On top of each image i added a graphic that linked each character to the film.
The light bulb on Frank as he always comes up with the ideas. A cookie for Charlie as he is seen nibbling cookies within the film, and it was also the focus for one of the duos money making schemes. A suitcase (of money) on top of Big Pete's image as he has the money that Frank and Charlie want. Finally and car for the bodyguard has he does all the car drug deals for Big Pete, and also the hole film revolves around Frank and Charlies quest to buy a car.

The feedback from my previous posters and my research encouraged me to keep it simple. But if i could improve on this poster, in my next draft i would maybe add the character's names on top or underneath the graphics, to give the audience more of an insight into my film. However, this may make it too 'busy' again, which i wanted to stray away from.


  1. i think your completely right about the simplistic idea and how making the poster look child like fits in with the film. I think the billboard could have been more eye catching as you could have used more pictures or more texts because some people may not see this billboard as informative you might want to include a caption this will help the audience to remember the film and want to watch the film.

  2. I really liked the concept behind this billbaord advertisement it is simplistic yet effective. I think you could have made it brighter and more in your face as the film is exciting but i like how you have addressed each character and illustrated them differently. Very innovative :)
