Tuesday 7 December 2010

Poster Research

RESEVOIR DOGS! a brilliant film and even greater poster, i found countless amounts of poster and billboard work in my researched and i each one was different. The film follows a gang of men named the resivoir dogs, each with their own names Mr Blonde, Mr Pink, Mr White, Mr Brown, Mr Orange and Mr blue, and they are indicated on the poster by the colored background of each face (pictured left). Throughtout my research of the crime genre i found that many follow a very simplisitic style of minimalist colours and fonts. On the left the poster just shows close ups of four men within the film, with black and white writing. pure and simple. If you look closely you can also see that within the title there is a silouette of the iconic slow motion opening scene which show each character of the film. The film posters for Resevoir Dogs are what inspired my posters the most. Its slick and simple style is perfect.

Another Guy Richie blockbuster, that hit our screens in 2009. These posters are a perfect example of the simplicity that is seen within the Brit-Crime genre of film. On the left the poster allows the audience to see each main character within the film and that's it. It also has a plain white background with lower case black writing on the top showcasing the film. I feel that it is the costume that gives the audience an insight into the film as we can straight away see that its going to be a very macho and gritty film, maybe based in a run down area. The sharps suits and the fact that there men are on different sides also give us an indication that there could be some gangster rivalry between the two groups. The poster on the right is even simpler with just two colours being used, it makes it harder fr the audience to guess what the film is about. The only indicators are the yellow and black which is often used on warning signs, suggesting an element of danger within the film, whilst the large diamond on the finger graphic could suggest that the storyline revolves around a large diamond.

RocknRolla is an other of Guy Richie's brilliant Brit-Crims that have the perfect balance of violence, action, seduction and sharp witty comedy. This is one of the busiest posters i have seen for this genre of film as they are normally very slick and simple to make the styling of the film. On the other hand the film itself is very busy with a large cast and several storyline happening at once so i guess it suits it perfectly :)

Pulp Fiction, one of Tarantino's iconic films and i chose these posters as it not only has that gritty gangster edge, but it also has an infamous double act. I was interested in how they portrayed them within the posters. Having them leaning in the door frame shows their laid back persona whilst also creating a mysterious edge as they are both watcing the girl, and Samuel L Jackson is slightly hidden.

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