Tuesday 14 December 2010

Interesting Screen Shots and Angles,

As the brief was to produce a silent film, we as a group had to rely on the action and camera work within the frame to make our story clear the audience. The camera angles used in the film also had to be good and so i recalled some iconic and rememberable camera angle from films that are within the same genre of our film.

The Dodgy Deal

When ever there is a dodgy deal going on within gangster films, they are either set in an alleyway or a mob boss' office. Here is a clip from Guy Ritchie's Lock,Stock &Two Smoking Barrels, where the boss is telling off one of his henchmen. This character is similar to Big Pete as he too has his henchmen (the Bodyguard) who seem slightly frightened of him. This is definitely how we pictured Switch's drugs deal scene to be, in an office/hotel room with bodyguards and an scary looking boss.

The Slow Motion Walk.

The original scene that we would base our slow motion walk on is a scene in Superbad where two geeky guys walk of a bus in slow motion, thinking they look really good in their new clothes. Which is exactly what happens within our film. But unfortunately i was unable to find the clip, but this is one from Quentin Tarantinos classic Reservoir Dogs. This is the iconic walking scene where each Mister and Nice Guy Eddie walk in slow motion out of the breakfast diner into the cars. The slow motion effect instantly makes the nerdiest of characters cool and that's why we want to use this scene within our film, for comedic effect.

Below is an example clip of geeky guys looking sooooo cool in their sharp suits and slow mo :P

Following Someone:

In the following scene we wanted to create like a 1920s sleuth atmosphere and i think that's as long as you have the right 'sneaky' movements, its the music that makes the scene that extra bit special. And to me the only acceptable soundtrack that creates this mood is the classic Pink Panther soundtrack.

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