Wednesday 8 December 2010

Total FILM Review - Switch

This is my first film review pagefor our film Switch.

I made this using Microsoft Publisher whilst at school, i agianwasfairly easy to do how ever, i did come across a few problems when trying to follow the house style of the original Total Film page. As i was not allow to get imagesform the internet i had to scan a page in form a genuine magazine page. But once scanned in i realised much latert in the day that the image was slightly slanted and so i was conatantly rotating the images to fit mine, so to fill up and white space within the page. I realised that Total film did this as they have made their pages look busy and full of information. An aspect i tried to follow. Below is the orginal page that i based my own page on. Apart form the layout i also used the 'Talking Point' section, placed underneath the image as it allowed me to include some background information on the film, in this case the casting. I thought it was importanyt to add this element as the target audience of the maginzine are avid film enthusiasts who want to get as much information about the reviewed film as possible on and off screen. Alot of the other reviews also add extra information about actors thats audiences might want to know. The information i add were my actors previous work, luckily we managed to get actual actors for our film, Jack Glister is a professional so i was able to add a few of his previous film and television roles. Whilst Ashley Walker is a theatre actor and added the information about his play at the Edinburgh FRINGE Festival.


  1. the fact that you added a predicted interest curve makes your film review different, i also like how you made it look like a real total film review. instead of writing tagline i think you could have included a tagline i dont know i =f actually meant to do this or if it was an accident.

  2. your film magazine looks really good, the layout and style of it is very similar to total film magazine and does look like it would fit inside it. however only things is just 1 or two little spelling mistakes,just try and take off the red line under unrecognised names.

  3. The film review is good and it sounds and looks professional, its language engages to the audience, however maybe you could criticize the film to make it sound more like an editor wrote it. Other than that it is very good.

  4. Really liked the language you used to talk about the film and also liked the predicted interest curve it fit the layout well. Only criticism is there is a sentence missing where you have pasted the interest curve but that is more a technical issue that can be fixed. I really liked your reference to other films as well i.e Snatch and Lock Stock... it really highlights your target audience :) GOOD JOB!

  5. The overall layout of the film is good and closely represnts the real layout. The main image establishes the characters and the genre through facial espressions.
    However there is a spelling mistake underlined in the review that needs to be edited
