Tuesday 14 December 2010

Money Making Schemes Research

From the start our group knew that we had to come up with quick and stupid ways that our lead characters Frank and Charlie could use to make enough money to buy their car. But we we also realised that they couldn't be elaborate schemes as they were not smart enough to some up with one, plus the council estate setting wasn't fit for a scam on the scale of the BBC hit show Hustle. Therefore, web had to research or come up with smaller scams and find a way to put a comedic twist on them. These were a few I found.

Cleaning Windows is something that i see in the East end nearly every morning and it is a good way to make money. In past years there have been many comedy sketches that make cleaning windows funny, whether it be buckets of water falling or the ladder slipping from under the character. This is a possible scam that we could use, however staging it correctly within the limited amount of time we have could be a problem whilst also finding a location.

Selling cookies is yet another scheme that we could easily put together for the duo to use. It would require minimal props and we would only need to find a few houses to film at, but since friends live around our shooting location, that shouldnt be a problem. Plus the image of seeing two grown men trying to sell something usually donw by girl scouts could be funny. I'm thinking costumes. :)

Selling....their bodies?This was one idea we thought of ourselves as we knew that seeing the duo dressing up as women for money would definitely get some laughs and put a lighter edge on a sinister subject of prositution. We were thinking of getting the pair to lure other men over, get in the car and then run out with their clothes and money.

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