Wednesday 8 December 2010

Poster One Draft

This was the first draft of my first poster. As you can see i tried to replicate the house style of Lock,Stock's poster. It was faily easy to create using Adobe Photoshop Elements. Whilst creating i felt that the colours were too saturated and soo darkened the shadows and lowered the saturation levels. I also tried to incorporate elemnts from the film , so i added the graphics of a lightbulb, cookie, piggy bank and a briefcase. I felt that it added a comedic effect to the gangster theme thats was already on it.The feedback i got from this poster was that its was hard to read and didnt look like an obvious film poster. I had work to do...


  1. The idea of encorporating the car and the silhouette of frank and charlie are great hints within the film, also the bulb on top of the "I" is also fantastic. One thing you could have done to improve your work is by making several other posters including similar fonts and similar images and colour. Also it would have been nice to see the characters facial expressions this way we would have been given an insight of the representations of each character.

  2. The posters are very good and they look like real photos. I like the way the way you have placed the title on the poster showing that maybe the two characters are dopy and I like the way you have placed all the confused and happy emotions on the poster, once again reflecting the characters. However maybe you could show the faces of the two characters to make the audience aware of the tow main protagonists.

  3. i like the effects you have used on your poster, you have encooperated the car the characters and the all important lightbulb, this is the same for your second poster its diffrent and funky very 70's however u should just try and make them a little more similar so they look like they belong to the same film
